Home / Merlin Entertainments

31% increase in ticket sales with the new London Eye website.

My role

I was responsible for designing the responsive website for the London Eye. I focused heavily on the information architecture, the user experience and ticket conversion, and importantly the overall art direction and design. All images were shot under my art direction on location specifically for the website and future advertising.


The challenge

Rebrand and Recharge. Creating a mobile first website for 2 attraction with a global appeal.

Sponsorship of The London and Orlando eye is frequently changing and a new website had to be sympathetic yet hold longevity for the next 5 years.

The solution

Sprints, Scrums and effective collaboration


I lead the design and collaborated with my development team in sprints which supercharged our effectiveness to deliver to the stakeholders. I set the direction of the website based upon future trends and a clean, flat design style.

My mobile first lead approach was sympathetic and flexible enough for Merlin to white-label and rebrand based upon future sponsorship deals. Soon after the go-live date Coca-Cola saw the opportunity with what we had achieved and sponsored The London Eye and Orlando Eye.

Coca-Cola took on sponsorship of the London Eye so we needed to brand it under their direction. Personally, I’m not a fan of the loud shouty in your face red – the website really lost it’s class when Coca-Cola came onboard.

The result


Sky high conversion


The London eye saw an increase in visits of 20%, mobile revenue up by 77% and a 31% increase in overall revenue. Off the back of this I worked on photoshoots for the London Eye advertising. This led to Merlin Entertainments handing the accounts over of SeaLife and Madame Tussauds.


I work on theses accounts creating content for large format print, digital posters and online media. Below are a few posters spotted around the London underground.

Unfortunately today if you look at the London Eye website it has changed a lot, and with it’s current sponsor looks pretty awful compared to what it once was.